“The world is insane”
“The world is insane! Look at the people, they are going nuts everyday. Continuously chasing materialistic happiness. Even if they have a house they want a better one, they have a life partner but that does not suffice their hunger. They want more and more. People are so stupid these days, they want to possess everything they want. And I laugh at them and also at their naivety. These buggers don’t understand the fact that we all have come empty handed and will leave just like that. In between we have some days in the earth to spend. Why don’t you see these amazing creations of God. He has created such beautiful things for us and we fools are astonished by the human made stuffs. It is very true when they say,
“You don’t realise something unless you lose it”, these morons will understand someday I believe, but I am pretty sure, it would be late by then!

People think I am a mad, I am an insane which is true some extent, but you know what? I think they are mad because they have lost their ways of life and now they have no idea what to do. Whereas I have given up on the world, all my material possession and I am ever free!!! How would you know, it is so ecstatic to have nothing than having everything if you have’t experience that?
When you possess a lot, your attention scatters, your worries increase thus you can’t focus on yourself. On the contrary, when you have nothing then the only thing you deal with your own self. Imagine how liberating it is to just be yourself, worship your God and look for answers then getting tangled in your social and family shits. You rascals will never understand it, I am telling you.
Look, he who has found God in God’s creation has known the truth whereas others are deluded by the senses which and they are entrapped this delusion of this world. You let your senses rule over you therefore you welcome sufferings , sorrows, miseries in your lives since you need more and more pleasure form life. When you do something wrong to others you justify it anyhow, but when the karma hits you back, you get baffled. You blame your fate or destiny and others but you never introspect and try to figure out what your wrongdoings were to face such consequences. Stop looking at the outer world and find answers, look at your inner self, all your answers can be found there.

These days, what hurts me the most is people hate each other. When we were young, the society and the people were different. We had respect and love for each other which have faded now. I always see people around me are either frustrated or grumpy. I don’t why they take things too seriously in life! People need to wake up actually, what they think about life is absolutely wrong. There is a better life out there, only if they actually want to find it. The direction the whole civilisation is moving towards I fear, what upheaval is waiting for us. May God bless us with knowledge or wisdom, otherwise doomsday is nearing.