“Hope Never Dies”
Most of us will agree to the fact that life is more or less unfair. Humans are pretty good at deceiving their emotions at times and especially when it comes to life. We all like to victimize ourselves and blame others for our problems we deal with in life. The blame game starts from the self then to family followed by society.
Nevertheless, there are some people I have met in life so far who are actually in a position to complain about things where their life is in a kind of abyss, however their will power and sheer determination have never left any sort of room for resentment or lamentations. On the first place, they did not choose life to this way rather life chose them to be yet the accepted life and moved on with a smile.
After a certain age, people tend to look for comfort and peace. Especially when your body is not functioning properly then you would like to be home and taken care of. Irony is , life is no bed of rose for everyone in this uncertain world. Some need to provide for their families and take care of families back home. Those people are the silent and uncapped heroes of our society whom we always ignore or look down upon. Not all the societies look after them with insurances and coverages. When you talk about developing countries its a far fetched dream to treat these segments of people what they need and deserve. We live in such an era where the youngsters are found depressed with their lives but if we look around many people are still toiling hard at the age when they should be at home enjoying their meals with their loved ones. Call it destiny of fate they do not have the privilege hence they keep the battle of survival alive with their actions.
Photography has bestowed upon me with great power to be able to reach out to those people and spend some time with them. Every moment I had spent with them was a moment of truth for me since they shared their struggles with me. These people had taught me such lessons no book of philosophers could ever teach me. Life according to me is a journey of hope where we must seek for the light at the end of the tunnel rather than mourning over in the darkness and these more or less uttered the same words to me. Many a times, I have seen the tiredness in their eyes and a sense of discomfort. Despite of all these, I always found a dimming light of hope both in their words as well as visions. The sheer resilient attitude of never giving me has always inspired me; perhaps for that reason, I always try to get near them and have a conversation with these veterans. It is very true whoever has said, life is better to be experienced through reality not in fantasy. Now, when I look back at life, I reminisce about those short-lived moments I shared with them and their words never fail to motivate me and I feel they are whispering in my ears gently, “Never Give Up”.
Let me tell you something, this is just the beginning of my journey. Journey of seeking the truth from those places and people where the reality hides. This is just a kickstarter where I will come to you again and again with the stories, real stories not fabricated or made up stories of “Hope never dies”.