Bishnupriya Manipuri Pala
The name of the photo story is “Bishnupriya Manipuri Pala”. Well, the name refers a lot about the photo story. Bishnupriya Manipuris are an indigenous community located majorly in the Moulvibazar district of Bangladesh. The foundation of this society lies in art and culture. It is needless to say that, Bishnupriya Manipuris have their own distinct and unique culture as well they are very religious people with deep rooted Vaishanava ( one of the sects in Hinduism) tradition. Bishnupriya Manipuris perform “Pala” or musical performance in every religious functions. There is group of performer who are divided into two sub groups namely “Dakula” (The Mridangam Players) and “Ishalpas” (The vocalists). They perform songs basically praising the God or the stories associated with them. The duration of the performance varies.
All these photographs were taken in one of the recent functions took place at Kamalganj, Moulvibazar.